Tag Archives: peace

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Living the 490

By only the 6th generation of descendants, mankind had fallen far from the pristine peace and beauty of the Garden of Eden. Lamech spurned the sanctity of the marriage covenant by taking two wives and in a vengeful act killed a young man for striking him. Lamech said to his wives, ‘Adah and Zillah, Listen […]


The Secret

Psst. Do you know the secret? Ever so quietly, our Creator speaks. There are times when God appears in grandiose style, although for the most part His interaction with people is but a whisper, like a gentle breeze quietly blowing across one’s check. The wind of the Spirit is almost always blowing, but also almost […]


Renewing Our Focus

This week our intern, Sam, unexpectedly lost his grandfather. Nobody knew it was coming. Suddenly—in an instant—he was ushered into the next life. Family and friends who remain are left to grieve and mourn their loss. For months Sam has played an integral role as we prepare to film our life-changing Search for Me identity […]

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