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Making Sense of Religious Pluralism?

I admit—it sounds terribly appealing. You know, the idea that all paths lead to God, that at their core we find no intrinsic differences between belief systems. I mean, if we can all accept this reality and just get along with one another, wouldn’t this world be a much better place? While generally embracing nebulous […]

Are Conservatives Racist?

Are White Conservatives Racist?

Sadly, in many cases, I think that white conservatives are racist. I can’t provide statistics to prove my point, but I can share my personal observations. What I see may not tell the entire story, but it does tell something. As a general rule, strong conservatives are avidly anti-liberal and they’ll target those who lean […]


If I Were the Devil . . .

Alright now. Don’t do anything you are going to regret. Just put down the gun and everything is going to be okay. So goes a scene in just about every crime drama that has ever aired. The bottom line? Crime fighting is extremely dangerous until you disarm the bad guys. Give law enforcement officials a […]

photo credit: <a href="">kjd</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

The Priesthood of All Believers

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal….” What powerful words open the U.S. Constitution! Through the significance of this “immortal declaration”, the United States of America has long stood as a beacon for justice and equality in an oppressive world. Our government leaders have not always stood for the […]


The Chemistry of Relationships

You’ve probably heard the old adage that opposites attract, but the question is, “Can they live together?” In a romantic world, personality differences don’t matter all that much, but in a real, day-to-day existence, they can be huge. When it comes to the dynamics of human relationships, chemistry matters. I think I know a little […]

original photo credit: <a href="">steakpinball</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Do This in Remembrance of Me?

It’s easy to get confused when trying to understand how the Mosaic Law relates to the New Covenant of grace. I am intrigued by Romans 4:14-15 (NASB): For if those who are of the Law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise is nullified; for the Law brings about wrath, but where there […]

The Clash of the Kingdoms of the gods

The Clash of the Kingdoms of the gods

At first glance interpersonal conflict may seem to be the result of practical issues such as poor communication and differences in perspective. Certainly, more often than not, a lack in conflict resolution skills can yield a truckload of unnecessary pain and confusion. Let’s face it; there are times when we simply don’t have a clue […]

Why Can't We Be Friends?

Why Can’t We Be Friends?

As a teenager in the 1970’s, I remember the Mid-East peace process being a big deal in the news. Coming on the heels of the Vietnam War, people were beyond tired of the killing; weary of losing loved ones to what at times seemed like endless and senseless conflict. In 1971, I’d Like to Teach […]

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