Tag Archives: peace


The Mystery of Violence Revealed

World peace! It is a vision long held by many. Each New Year, it seems, we try to cast off the violence of the previous year like a dog trying to shake off water. Unfortunately, dogs are much more effective in their drying off efforts than we are in our quest to eliminate conflict between […]

Let's Believe (Not Grieve) for Our Nation

Let’s Believe (Not Grieve) for our Nation!

I tried to pray on Wednesday morning after the election, but found myself having trouble getting through. Apparently so many angels had been watching campaign ads run by The World Will End If Obama Wins PAC that they were inconsolable when the final election results came in. Angels are a high priority with God, of course, […]


Every Person a God = Every Day a Conflict

Maryland blue crabs are crazy, ravenous creatures! Throw anything that resembles food into the water and they swarm to the location, consuming what they can while jostling for position. In their eyes, they are the bottom line—Numero Uno. No one else matters. And when threatened in any way, those pain-inflicting pinchers aggressively come up in […]

Get with the Game!

Get with the Game!

The morning sun glistened through the heavy frost still tinting the edges of my windows as I pulled into the high school parking lot. Can you think of a better activity for a cold January morning than an eight and under wrestling tournament? I certainly can. It’s not that I dislike wrestling; I really enjoyed […]

Searching for Peace? Bend a Knee

Searching for Peace? Bend the Knee!

A teenager sneaks out of the house in the middle of the night. A wife continually nags her husband. A man explodes in anger because dinner is cold. A politician agrees to cover an indiscretion in exchange for a vote. A science professor blackballs a promising young PhD candidate for believing in God. A young […]

A Double-Edged Sword of Glory

A Double-Edged Sword of Glory

As Christmas nears, so does the push to remove its Christian roots. Eric Bolling of Fox Business News recently sparked controversy when he kicked atheist Dan Barker off of his show. Barker, a spokesman for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is based in Wisconsin, was pushing for the removal of a nativity scene from […]

Danger in the Manger

Danger in the Manger!

Picture the scene with me if you will: An obnoxious siren blares loudly as emergency lights flash and a mechanical voice drones on with an unending mantra of “DANGER! DANGER!” Soon a group of workers in Hazmat suits begin cautiously dismantling a crèche sitting in front of the county courthouse. One by one they carefully […]


We Grow What We Plant!

If you’ve ever driven through parts of the south during the fall, you may have noticed a large cotton bale sitting in the middle of a field waiting to be loaded and transported to the mill—a process that many of your clothes have already gone through. One thing is for sure: these bales are always […]


Dancing with Whom?

Did you know that Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team is doing really well right now on Dancing with the Stars? Baltimore Ravens fans are upset with his success and launching a vote against Hines campaign. Go Hines! I’m on top of all of this, but not because I watch the show. The […]

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