Tag Archives: uniformity


The Chemistry of Relationships

You’ve probably heard the old adage that opposites attract, but the question is, “Can they live together?” In a romantic world, personality differences don’t matter all that much, but in a real, day-to-day existence, they can be huge. When it comes to the dynamics of human relationships, chemistry matters. I think I know a little […]

The Gorilla Glue of Unity

The Gorilla Glue of Unity

If it’s broken, my buddy John can fix it (or so he thinks!). John is always quick to volunteer the use of his Gorilla Glue whenever I am in need. When Gorilla Glue appeared on the market a few years ago John and I took interest. We’re both typical fix-it males involved in a never-ending search for products that […]

Neckties Are Evil!

Neckties Are Evil!

Neckties are Evil! In September of 2009 the prime minister of Bangladesh banned male government employees from wearing suits and ties in order to save energy. How ungodly a decision! Seriously now, it shouldn’t matter that Bangladesh is suffering through a debilitating energy shortage and that banning the extra clothing will help to lessen the […]

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