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If I Were the Devil . . .

Alright now. Don’t do anything you are going to regret. Just put down the gun and everything is going to be okay. So goes a scene in just about every crime drama that has ever aired. The bottom line? Crime fighting is extremely dangerous until you disarm the bad guys. Give law enforcement officials a […]

photo credit: <a href="">kjd</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

The Priesthood of All Believers

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal….” What powerful words open the U.S. Constitution! Through the significance of this “immortal declaration”, the United States of America has long stood as a beacon for justice and equality in an oppressive world. Our government leaders have not always stood for the […]


The Great Equalizer

Imagine a society in which all people were truly considered to be equals. It would be a culture in which rich and poor were treated without bias. Women would be treated as equals with men. Race and ethnicity differences would do nothing more than provide diversity. Celebrities would be given no special status. The VIP […]


The Chemistry of Relationships

You’ve probably heard the old adage that opposites attract, but the question is, “Can they live together?” In a romantic world, personality differences don’t matter all that much, but in a real, day-to-day existence, they can be huge. When it comes to the dynamics of human relationships, chemistry matters. I think I know a little […]

Avoiding the Paralysis of Procrastination

Avoiding the Paralysis of Procrastination

Do you have a problem with procrastination? In all honesty, I think that entirely avoiding procrastination is nearly impossible in our day and age. Why? We have too many choices! Our lives are full of options and distractions. The difficulty multiplies when our choices have long-term ramifications. So much research and energy goes into making […]

photo credit: <a href="">Dave_S.</a> via <a href="">flickr</a> <a href="">cc</a>

How to Bless Yourself

If you enjoy nature, you would have loved the view from my tree stand on the first day of buck season in Pennsylvania. Although the skies were slightly overcast, several inches of snow provided a pristine backdrop for the landscape before me. And talk about action! Within the span of three hours, I saw 16 […]

Church Dysfunction

Church Dysfunction – Whose Fault Is It?

I had lunch with a pastor-friend yesterday. Same conversation. Different pastor. I can’t begin to count how many times I have talked with pastors who are frustrated with people in their congregations. Many, I am told, are unwilling to be led, create unnecessary problems, or simply lack motivation to do anything for God. At the […]

photo credit: <a href="">Ed Yourdon</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Are You at Odds with God?

All of us probably have people that we don’t particularly like—those who rub us the wrong way with their attitudes or behavior. These are folks whom we simply prefer to avoid, doing our best to keep them at a comfortable distance. (I’m sure that at least a few others feel the same way about us!) […]


Trust Is Sacred

The story is worthy of a movie! Fresh from the defeats of Jericho and Ai, Joshua and the Israelites were striking terror in the hearts of all the Canaanites.[1] Most Canaanite kingdoms decided to consolidate their forces, hoping that victory would come in numbers. The Gibeonites, however, settled on a different strategy. Dressed in old, […]


The Keys to a Peace-filled Existence

Noah Webster once wrote: “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.”[1] And you thought all Noah did was write dictionaries! Webster is also reported to have stated, “Tyranny is the exercise of some power over a man, which is not warranted by […]

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