Tag Archives: Zombie

Era of the Living Dead

Era of the Living Dead

The film begins with Barbra and Johnny visiting their father’s grave in rural Pennsylvania. Barbra is afraid to be in a cemetery at such a late hour. Johnny teases her, as any brother would, totally unaware that a zombie–a reanimated corpse–is about to knock him unconscious against a headstone. The rest is history. Night of […]

The Zombie Conspiracy

The Zombie Conspiracy

Zombie movies. Vampire films. Crime shows. Violent video games. What’s the common thread? It appears that our culture is increasingly preoccupied with death. Somehow, I don’t think this is a good sign. There are those who would tell us that the real zombie conspiracy involves government authorities covering up the coming zombie apocalypse, but I […]

Zombie Apocalypse?

Zombie Apocalypse?

Last week in a scene that looked like it was out of a zombie movie, Florida police shot and killed a crazed man as he attacked a homeless guy, eating off most of the victim’s face. Other similar incidents are now captivating our attentions. Repulsive to say the least! Heartbreaking for all who claim the […]

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