Tag Archives: Weakness


The Amazing Thing that God Wants to Do In You

What is the most outlandish thing that you can imagine God doing in your life? How about taking your most problematic weakness and turning it into your greatest strength? Does the thought of it seem extreme? Perhaps, but the Creator of the Universe is never intimidated by the word “impossible”. The enduring beauty of David’s […]

Addicted to Doubt

Addicted to Doubt?

Faith! Faith! Faith! Why so much about faith? I know I’ve focused quite a bit on the topic through my last several posts, but not because I feel I am highly advanced in my ability to trust God. In many ways faith has never come easily for me and I continue to have my struggles […]

Cruel Worlds

A Stitch in Time–Doesn’t Really Help Much

I wonder if you’ve noticed. We live in a cruel world. From playground bullies to the inner city gangs to oppressive governments, we lack no shortage of people who will not hesitate to inflict pain on others for their own personal pleasure or benefit. What’s the prerequisite for being a recipient of such treatment? Weakness. […]

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