Tag Archives: war


Are Conservative Christians Warmongers?

Bullies are not nice people. “Snugene”—as some high school friends and I had not-so-fondly named him—was no exception. I knew Snugene in my pre-Christian days and had little concern for his family life or personal well-being. All I knew was that this bully, like all others, was always looking for opportunities to exploit weakness in […]


The Great Equalizer

Imagine a society in which all people were truly considered to be equals. It would be a culture in which rich and poor were treated without bias. Women would be treated as equals with men. Race and ethnicity differences would do nothing more than provide diversity. Celebrities would be given no special status. The VIP […]


Is God Really In Control?

Heartbreaking is probably the best word I can use to describe the aftermath of superstorm Sandy that ravaged the eastern coast of the U.S. this week. But the use of this word is by no means limited to recent events. We could also speak of what seems like a relentless assault of hurricanes, monsoons, tornadoes, droughts, […]

Why Can't We Be Friends?

Why Can’t We Be Friends?

As a teenager in the 1970’s, I remember the Mid-East peace process being a big deal in the news. Coming on the heels of the Vietnam War, people were beyond tired of the killing; weary of losing loved ones to what at times seemed like endless and senseless conflict. In 1971, I’d Like to Teach […]

LGBT Community

The Plight

If you read some of the comments from my previous two blogs, you’ll quickly notice that my perspective of homosexuality in relationship to Christianity puts me at odds with the gay community. You’ll also see that with this hot-button issue discussions can quickly become inflamed arguments, even among friends. And it’s entirely possible we’ll disagree […]

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