Tag Archives: United States of America


How to Flourish in Uncertain Times

There was a day—and I’m old enough to remember it—when the United States of America was the envy of the world. Sure, we had times of uncertainty and upheaval, but as a whole, ours was a prosperous economy with a government system that served as a shining model to all others. And we had confidence! […]

Independence Day

Independence Day

Living in the state of Pennsylvania has always carried a rich legacy of history. We’ve long held the nickname of The Keystone State, due in part to the abundance of old stone arch railroad bridges built with keystones to anchor them together. William Penn, Valley Forge, the Liberty Bell, the signing of the Declaration of […]

Which Rights Are Righter?

Which Rights Are Righter?

I love the United States of America! I won’t say that we’re the greatest nation in the world—so many people believe that about their native land. As soon as we proclaim one to be the greatest, we automatically infer that all others are somehow inferior; a thought I won’t entertain for even a nanosecond. I […]

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