Tag Archives: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil


What Makes Christianity Different?

All paths lead to God—or so I’ve been told. Through the eyes of our culture, it is both arrogant and narrow-minded to contend that any one belief system is superior to all others. If those who are Christians are going to proclaim salvation through Christ alone, they should have very good reasons to justify such […]


The Glorious Sweet Corn of August

You’ll find it there sitting in a corner of Hoss’s parking lot on most days in August. I speak of an old maroon pickup truck with wooden side boards and a green shaded canopy over the bed—a bed piled high with fresh, recently picked sweet corn. Occasionally, “Silver Queen” is the offering of the day, […]

Happy of Unhappy Valley

Happy or Unhappy Valley?

The date was October 29, 2011—once memorable in college football history. Down 7-3 to the Illinois Fighting Illini, the Penn State Nittany Lions drove the ball 86 yards, enabling Joe Paterno (JoePa) to become the winningest football coach in Division I history. On November 5, Jerry Sandusky was arrested for alleged (at the time) child […]


Every Person a God = Every Day a Conflict

Maryland blue crabs are crazy, ravenous creatures! Throw anything that resembles food into the water and they swarm to the location, consuming what they can while jostling for position. In their eyes, they are the bottom line—Numero Uno. No one else matters. And when threatened in any way, those pain-inflicting pinchers aggressively come up in […]

National Lemonade Freedom Day

National Lemonade Freedom Day – Seriously?

What will you be doing on August 18, 2012? That happens to be National Lemonade Freedom Day. No, this isn’t another installment of my quirky humor. August 18 actually is National Lemonade Freedom Day. Apparently some folks feel it is time to take a stand against what they feel is ludicrous government over-regulation. Hence, they […]

The Zombie Conspiracy

The Zombie Conspiracy

Zombie movies. Vampire films. Crime shows. Violent video games. What’s the common thread? It appears that our culture is increasingly preoccupied with death. Somehow, I don’t think this is a good sign. There are those who would tell us that the real zombie conspiracy involves government authorities covering up the coming zombie apocalypse, but I […]

Cruel Worlds

A Stitch in Time–Doesn’t Really Help Much

I wonder if you’ve noticed. We live in a cruel world. From playground bullies to the inner city gangs to oppressive governments, we lack no shortage of people who will not hesitate to inflict pain on others for their own personal pleasure or benefit. What’s the prerequisite for being a recipient of such treatment? Weakness. […]

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