Tag Archives: The Cross

Did David Cheat Goliath?

When People Disappoint You

It was the weightiest moment in all of history. Jesus—God in the flesh—knelt and cried out to the heavenly Father with unimaginable agony. Christ’s anguish was so deep, and the stress of the moment so intense, that His pores began to seep blood. If ever there was a time when Jesus needed a friend to […]

The Twofold Beauty of Grace

The Twofold Beauty of Grace

Just about anyone who has seen Les Miserables—even those unaccustomed to spontaneously breaking out into song—can attest to the powerfully redemptive nature of the work. I can’t help but wonder, however, how many of the modern cast truly understand the faith-based intricacies of the story. Victor Hugo, the original book’s author, possessed a particularly clear […]


I Love the God of the Old Testament!

I love the God of the Old Testament! Honestly, I do. I suppose that some people will imagine me to be a judgmental enforcer of rules—or perhaps a really cruel-hearted guy with violent tendencies. Those prone to stereotyping might picture me carrying a protest sign alongside the members of Westboro Baptist Church—you know, that mean-spirited group […]


Silencing the Jackhammer of Condemnation

The air was thick with tension, but our hearts brimmed with hopeful optimism. Our beloved Pittsburgh Steelers had fought a tough game against their arch-rivals the Baltimore Ravens. Now the game was coming down to a doable 42-yard field goal attempt for the Pittsburgh win. The Steelers began to line up, but then ding-dong–our doorbell […]


The Glorious Sweet Corn of August

You’ll find it there sitting in a corner of Hoss’s parking lot on most days in August. I speak of an old maroon pickup truck with wooden side boards and a green shaded canopy over the bed—a bed piled high with fresh, recently picked sweet corn. Occasionally, “Silver Queen” is the offering of the day, […]

Zombie Apocalypse?

Zombie Apocalypse?

Last week in a scene that looked like it was out of a zombie movie, Florida police shot and killed a crazed man as he attacked a homeless guy, eating off most of the victim’s face. Other similar incidents are now captivating our attentions. Repulsive to say the least! Heartbreaking for all who claim the […]

Shed the Weight

Shed the Weight!

We hear it all the time—obesity is a leading cause of health problems in our day. The experts tell us to shed the pounds, but everywhere we turn we’re bombarded with messages to the contrary. “Eat!” they tell us. “Our sumptuous treats will make your life full and complete!” I’m not saying that physical weight […]

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