Tag Archives: Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

Politically Correct Commandments?

It was a scene for the ages; and if you’ve ever watched the movie version of the Ten Commandments, you probably have the image of a laser-like flame inscribing the commandments on stone tablets etched in your mind. As awesome as the movie scene was, I can’t begin to imagine the real-life version of the […]

Repulsed by Old Testament Judgement?

Repulsed by Old Testament Judgment? Good!

Have you ever taken the time to think about God’s character? John 3:16 is a popular passage that speaks of how much God loves us. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (NKJV) On the […]

Old Testament

The Rest of the Story

At first glance, it appears rather cruel. God had ordered some poor guy to be stoned to death simply for gathering a few sticks for firewood (Numbers 15:32-36). Could this really be the directive of a loving God? Does the God of the Old Testament have a mean streak? Or is something deeper at stake? […]

Mount Sinai

The Promise of His Presence

Moses was either amazing or crazy; perhaps a little of both! The often lonely road he walked, the obstinate people he loved, his passion for righteousness—they all point toward one of the truly great figures of history. But there was something else about Moses, something upon which his entire character hinged: Moses walked with God. […]

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