Tag Archives: technology


From Image to Reality

How many people can we truly and intimately know in life? The question becomes even more extreme when we consider the technological trends of the past 100 years or so. Before the implementation of central heating, northern families were more or less forced to spend time together. Better to gather around an old wood stove […]

Love is Messy

Love Is Messy!

Friends of ours are in the process of rearing three very young children. With awesome hearts of love, they’re doing all that they can to raise physically and emotionally healthy children. There is a slight problem, however. Those cute little kids are expressing their own little wills, as all of us are wont to do. […]


The Eyes Have It!

It’s true—we can text, tweet and IM. Email is old stuff, but still doable. All of these means have been used to deal with interpersonal conflict. The problem is that nothing compares with face to face communication where we can look at one another in the eyes. Effective conflict resolution can require a significant time investment. […]

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