Tag Archives: Son of God

Sermon on the Mount

What Makes Jesus Different?

Throughout the entire history of humankind—however long that has been—there has never been a person like Jesus Christ. Never. There is enough information about the uniqueness of Jesus to easily fill a book, but I’d like to highlight one particular aspect of His character that is often ignored. As recorded in John 3:13, Jesus said […]


Our Unlikely Savior

The King of Glory came to earth apart from the religious establishment, born in a stable filled with manure and overrun by flies. Angels announced His birth to a group of lowly shepherds who likely smelled as bad as the animals they herded. For thirty years, the Son of God dwelt in obscurity in the […]


God Loves a Cheerful Giver

There was a news report the other day of police officers in Kansas City pulling people over to give them money from a secret Santa. The emotions rendered by the story were the exact opposite of those being expressed all over the U.S. in protests against police brutality. Those who had their attentions “arrested” went […]

Christmas Joy

The Joy of Giving

Grace is so integral to the Christian faith that people can sometimes fail to realize that the general concept is not unique to Christianity. In ancient secular Greek writings, the word charis essentially meant “that which delights.”[1] In this sense, grace could mean “a gift given” or “a favor done,” as well as “a sense […]


Driving a Stake through the Heart of Elitism

The Free Dictionary defines elitism[1] as: 1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources. 2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. b. Control, rule, or domination by […]


Slow Justice Doesn’t Mean No Justice

September 8, 2012. That was the night that Brandon Bushmire’s life was forever changed. It was 11:20 pm and Brandon, a 20-year old college student had just stepped off of the curb (near our ministry center) onto a street with a posted speed limit of only 25 mph. Suddenly a speeding car knocked Brandon to […]

Ya Got Your Ears On?

Hey, Good Buddy, Ya Got Your Ears On?

There was a season during my teenage years when CB radios were all the rage. People installed them in their cars and sometimes even their houses. My buddy’s dad had his own little CB station set up in the corner of his living room to keep him entertained through the long winter evenings. “CB Lingo”—once […]


The Church of Whatever We Want Jesus to Be

If ever there was a person who was an authority of the Christian gospel, it was the Apostle Paul. Author of one-third of our New Testament, Paul penned letters to the churches in Rome and Galatia, both of which have become premiere sources for our understanding of the gospel. Notice how Paul begins his letter […]

How Do You Picture Jesus?

How Do You Picture Jesus?

Have you ever wondered what Jesus looked like? I think that we safely can say that he wasn’t pale and sickly-looking the way that many of the Renaissance painters made Him to be. Jesus would, in fact, have had somewhat dark skin. If He was of average height for His day—and we have no reason […]

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