Tag Archives: Self-centeredness


The Mystery of Violence Revealed

World peace! It is a vision long held by many. Each New Year, it seems, we try to cast off the violence of the previous year like a dog trying to shake off water. Unfortunately, dogs are much more effective in their drying off efforts than we are in our quest to eliminate conflict between […]

The Center of His Universe

The Center of His Universe

Some scientists say that only about 4% of the universe is visible to us. That means that even with our most powerful telescope, around 96% of the Universe remains out of our view—although we don’t exactly know how much because we can’t truly know what lies where no one has ever been. Inside of our […]


Every Person a God = Every Day a Conflict

Maryland blue crabs are crazy, ravenous creatures! Throw anything that resembles food into the water and they swarm to the location, consuming what they can while jostling for position. In their eyes, they are the bottom line—Numero Uno. No one else matters. And when threatened in any way, those pain-inflicting pinchers aggressively come up in […]

The Perfect Bond of Disunity

The Perfect Bond of Disunity

I recently angered someone by a comment I made. I’m sure you’ve done it too. I certainly wouldn’t compare the experience to a pleasant summer day. More like a gray, ominous thunderhead consuming the skyline! Ironically, my goal was to help foster a closer relationship by finally dealing with a few issues that had been […]

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