Tag Archives: rules

Chains of Legalism

Breaking Free from Legalism

Rules, rules, rules! Do you ever feel that Christianity is nothing but legalism—the constant pressure to obey a long list of rules and obligations? If so, you’re missing the heart of what God wants to do in your life. Laws and rules tend to work from the outside in. The Holy Spirit works from the […]

Original photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/supersonicphotos/6032006243/">kelsey_lovefusionphoto</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org

A Love Song for Eternity

I’ve never written a love song—I am not gifted in music—but I’ve certainly listened to a few in my day. Love songs, it seems, run the gamut from what might be more appropriately called lust songs to those that idealize faithful and long lasting devotion. Titles are even more diverse, including famous hits like “Killing […]


The Greatest Holiday Ever!

There is something about Easter that sets it apart as one of the most significant holidays to celebrate. Thanksgiving and Christmas rank right up there, of course, but aside from peanut butter eggs and sugary peeps, Resurrection Sunday continues to be one of the most meaningful days on the calendar. One thing that I especially […]

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