Tag Archives: Resurrection


Our Living Hope!

The fallout from the Ashley Madison scandal continues, and it isn’t pretty. On August 18, 2015, hackers exposed the names of more than 30 million people listed on the adultery-oriented website. Six days later, Christie Gibson found her husband John’s lifeless body in their home. The 56-year-old pastor and seminary professor had taken his own […]

Easter Island Map

Let’s Put Easter on the Map!

Chances are at one point or another you’ve seen one or more of the odd-looking stone statues—known as moai—from Easter Island far off the coast of Chili in the South Pacific. Legend has it that these figures with large heads were a means to honor, deify, and draw upon dead ancestors. The name “Easter Island” […]


Facing the Cold Reality of Death

Ideas, beliefs, and opinions. We all have them. In the college classroom, at the information table, and in the coffee shop, I’ve had plenty of discussions—most of which have centered in the realm of intellectual thought—about faith. Recently, however, I faced a most unwelcome experience—my father-in-law’s passing from this earth—that riveted me in reality. Ted […]

Steep Climb

Why Is Life So Difficult Sometimes?

Admittedly, there are days when I say to myself, “I can’t do this. The mountain in front of me is way too big to climb.” I strongly suspect that I am not alone in thinking this way. We all have days—maybe even seasons—when life seems really hard. When faced with such difficulties, we have a […]


The Church of Whatever We Want Jesus to Be

If ever there was a person who was an authority of the Christian gospel, it was the Apostle Paul. Author of one-third of our New Testament, Paul penned letters to the churches in Rome and Galatia, both of which have become premiere sources for our understanding of the gospel. Notice how Paul begins his letter […]


The Greatest Holiday Ever!

There is something about Easter that sets it apart as one of the most significant holidays to celebrate. Thanksgiving and Christmas rank right up there, of course, but aside from peanut butter eggs and sugary peeps, Resurrection Sunday continues to be one of the most meaningful days on the calendar. One thing that I especially […]

Fishing Net

Help My Unbelief!

I believe in God. Really, I do. I believe that He exists and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. I believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, that 2,000 years ago He walked this earth and died an excruciating death on the cross as a substitute for my sins. I believe […]

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