Tag Archives: President Obama


Christianity through the Eyes of a . . . Muslim?

How do you view Muslims? If you are like many conservatives in America, it’s likely that you see Muslims through stereotypical eyes. That would mean that you don’t really know many—or any—Muslims, but that your perspective is determined by a stereotype that you’ve formed through media exposure, and through conversations with other non-Muslims. I would […]


Conservative Does Not Always Equal Christian

Perhaps I am worthy of a good—if there is such a thing—stoning. Even questioning our conservative values seems somewhat blasphemous. The real problem, however, is that many conservatives—the very individuals who tenaciously adhere to the supremacy of Scripture—have allowed human voices to establish their worldviews. Talk show hosts and political action committees don’t always echo […]

Human Trafficking

Cataract Hearts in a Lawless Political Landscape

Trafficking in persons (TIP) is an international crime that involves the acquisition of a human being through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of exploiting the individual for profit through forced labor or prostitution. A modern form of slavery, trafficking constitutes a violation of human rights in which individual victims are […]


Avoiding Shipwreck in the Nasty Waters of the Political Sea

Perhaps you have noticed that politics have gotten increasingly hostile in recent years. Through even limited exposure to media, the average person is constantly battered by negativity. Cruelly worded attack ads filled with half-truths and blatant lies paint opposing candidates as uncaring, devious, and even sinister adversaries looking to plunder and pillage the poor, unsuspecting […]

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