Tag Archives: Politicians


When Christians Become Pouncers . . .

Lions love zebras, but not in a way that zebras want to be loved. If a pride of lions “invites” a zebra to dinner, you can be sure that the guest will never leave. All it takes is one unguarded moment for an unsuspecting zebra to become fresh meat. When on the hunt, a lion […]


Avoiding Shipwreck in the Nasty Waters of the Political Sea

Perhaps you have noticed that politics have gotten increasingly hostile in recent years. Through even limited exposure to media, the average person is constantly battered by negativity. Cruelly worded attack ads filled with half-truths and blatant lies paint opposing candidates as uncaring, devious, and even sinister adversaries looking to plunder and pillage the poor, unsuspecting […]

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Aim of Complain

Aim or Complain

Several years ago I was reading an update from a popular Christian ministry. They were complaining that a certain judge had called evangelical Christians a bunch of whiners and complainers. I suppose that the appropriate Christian response would have been for me to be outraged by that judge, but as I considered the statement, I […]


Politics–The Religious Wrong

A new round of elections is quickly approaching, but not fast enough for my tastes. Voting is certainly a privilege, but I find the grossly negative TV ads to be totally gagnaminous. And how I wish I could say something more positive about some of the conservative Christian (of which I am one) dialogue I hear about […]

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