Tag Archives: Parable of the Sower

Ya Got Your Ears On?

Hey, Good Buddy, Ya Got Your Ears On?

There was a season during my teenage years when CB radios were all the rage. People installed them in their cars and sometimes even their houses. My buddy’s dad had his own little CB station set up in the corner of his living room to keep him entertained through the long winter evenings. “CB Lingo”—once […]

Let's Believe (Not Grieve) for Our Nation

Let’s Believe (Not Grieve) for our Nation!

I tried to pray on Wednesday morning after the election, but found myself having trouble getting through. Apparently so many angels had been watching campaign ads run by The World Will End If Obama Wins PAC that they were inconsolable when the final election results came in. Angels are a high priority with God, of course, […]


More Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss!

The world around us, which promises so much, isn’t making any significant deposits into my joy account these days. In fact, it’s been quite a drain recently. I suppose that much of it is linked to the economy and, of course, the continually rising price of fuel. Just when the economic outlook begins to brighten, […]

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