Tag Archives: New Covenant


What’s Wrong with Religion?

It very common for me to hear people say that Christianity is not about religion, it’s about a personal relationship with God. In essence this is true, but too often religion is erroneously considered to be an evil word. Sometimes we’re left scratching our heads wondering what it’s all about. Check out the following definition […]


If We Don’t, Who Will?

One of the interesting things about trying to teach the principles of Christianity is that God requires us to actually live out what we are encouraging others to do. Go figure! In light of this, I was recently challenged to extend forgiveness in a situation where I had been unjustly treated. Painful? Yes. Beneficial? Absolutely! […]


All God Wants for Christmas

I admit that I am a contributor to global warming (in part simply because I continue to exist!). Sometimes, on a cold snowy December night, I will take the long way home so that I can enjoy those energy sucking Christmas lights.  There is just something about colored bulbs under a light coating of snow […]

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