Tag Archives: Natural disasters


Is God Really In Control?

Heartbreaking is probably the best word I can use to describe the aftermath of superstorm Sandy that ravaged the eastern coast of the U.S. this week. But the use of this word is by no means limited to recent events. We could also speak of what seems like a relentless assault of hurricanes, monsoons, tornadoes, droughts, […]

Tornado Alley

Tornado Alley

Have you watched the news recently? The increased frequency of natural disasters is insane! April of this year marked a record number of tornadoes across the U.S. and unfortunately far too many deaths. Crazy happenings in an increasingly unstable world! The natural instability of our climate seems to correspond with the political and spiritual instability […]


More Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss!

The world around us, which promises so much, isn’t making any significant deposits into my joy account these days. In fact, it’s been quite a drain recently. I suppose that much of it is linked to the economy and, of course, the continually rising price of fuel. Just when the economic outlook begins to brighten, […]

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