Tag Archives: National Debt


How to Flourish in Uncertain Times

There was a day—and I’m old enough to remember it—when the United States of America was the envy of the world. Sure, we had times of uncertainty and upheaval, but as a whole, ours was a prosperous economy with a government system that served as a shining model to all others. And we had confidence! […]

Bats Are Our Friends

Bats Are Our Friends

I saw recently that a local school district must spend more than $60,000 to relocate bats before they can build a new school. Many of the locals think it is a senseless waste of money but I disagree. In spite of their ugliness, bats are our friends. Did you know that one bat can eat […]


Avoiding Shipwreck in the Nasty Waters of the Political Sea

Perhaps you have noticed that politics have gotten increasingly hostile in recent years. Through even limited exposure to media, the average person is constantly battered by negativity. Cruelly worded attack ads filled with half-truths and blatant lies paint opposing candidates as uncaring, devious, and even sinister adversaries looking to plunder and pillage the poor, unsuspecting […]

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Economic Uncertainty--What an Opportunity

Economic Uncertainty–What an Opportunity!

Did you hear about the rioting currently taking place in parts of Europe? Governments are trying to cut back on their massive debts by imposing austerity measures such as cutting salaries and workers benefits. This all takes place while those in power continue to grow in wealth. Such economic disparity creates a breeding ground of […]

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