Tag Archives: murder


God Values Life!

The story of Noah’s ark has long been a classic Sunday school topic for children’s curriculum. There’s something really cute about the idea of Noah building a big boat and gathering a diverse array of animals on board. What isn’t cute, however, is the idea of a devastating flood killing all human and animal life […]


The Mystery of Violence Revealed

World peace! It is a vision long held by many. Each New Year, it seems, we try to cast off the violence of the previous year like a dog trying to shake off water. Unfortunately, dogs are much more effective in their drying off efforts than we are in our quest to eliminate conflict between […]

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Living the 490

By only the 6th generation of descendants, mankind had fallen far from the pristine peace and beauty of the Garden of Eden. Lamech spurned the sanctity of the marriage covenant by taking two wives and in a vengeful act killed a young man for striking him. Lamech said to his wives, ‘Adah and Zillah, Listen […]

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