Tag Archives: Media

Are Conservatives Racist?

Are White Conservatives Racist?

Sadly, in many cases, I think that white conservatives are racist. I can’t provide statistics to prove my point, but I can share my personal observations. What I see may not tell the entire story, but it does tell something. As a general rule, strong conservatives are avidly anti-liberal and they’ll target those who lean […]


When Christians Become Pouncers . . .

Lions love zebras, but not in a way that zebras want to be loved. If a pride of lions “invites” a zebra to dinner, you can be sure that the guest will never leave. All it takes is one unguarded moment for an unsuspecting zebra to become fresh meat. When on the hunt, a lion […]

The Art of Stereotyping

The Art of Stereotyping

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all of the information that you must process on a daily basis? Of course you have. The rapid rate of technological breakthrough results in the need to learn more just to stay current. And speaking of staying current, so much is taking place on the local, state, national, and […]

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