Tag Archives: materialism

The Distracted Soul

The Distracted Soul

Good intentions. Some say that the road to hell is paved with them. So is the winding path to spiritual anemia. Don’t almost all Christians have good intentions? Don’t we all want to draw closer to God, live out the reality of the Christian faith, and make a deep, long-lasting impact on this lost and […]


Are You Spiritually Parched?

The advent of global warming has resulted in some crazy weather conditions across the globe. Throughout the course of history, famines have not been uncommon, but some geographic areas are now seeing droughts of record proportions. Only a few months back, for example, shippers were fretting over the mighty Mississippi River as it slowed to […]


It’s Time to Ban Dark-Colored Hoodies!

Having spent far too much time meticulously watching local news reports out of Pittsburgh, I have come to the conclusion that most of the reported crimes are committed by people wearing dark-colored hoodies. For the life of me, I can’t imagine why someone hasn’t moved to ban them. I think that light and bright-colored hoodies […]


Why Government Leaders Ignore the Root Causes of Violence

Every time a mass shooting occurs in the U.S., our government leaders rise to the occasion by proclaiming the need for change. Those who are sincere will usually push hard for gun control while ignoring the root causes that have brought such sickness upon our society. Why are our politicians so slow to look at […]

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How You Can Help Prevent Mass Shootings

How You Can Help to Prevent Mass Shootings

It has been several days since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and I am still struggling to process the reality of such a horrible event. Other mass shootings in recent years have scarred communities, but this one has left deep and lasting scars for our entire nation. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 had […]

NV Virus

Discovering the Antidote for the Deadly NV Virus

I am certain that I caught the deadly and destructive NV virus at a very young age–my first clear memories of its influence dating back to the first grade. My aunt had recently given birth to a baby girl and my family was traveling with relatives to attend the christening. I was especially excited because […]

Identity--The Issue of the Ages

Identity – The Issue of the Ages

Have you ever wondered what it is that motivates people toward extreme behavior? What drives a successful athlete to sacrifice his body for the sake of a trophy? What compels a celebrity to say and do almost unspeakable things to be shown on film to millions of people? Why would a woman stay in an […]

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