Tag Archives: kingdom of God

We Can't Go Back

We Can’t Go Back!

On September 10, 2001 the world didn’t necessarily seem like such a great place, but in retrospect I guess it wasn’t really all that bad. On that day the twin towers still stood as symbols of American strength and supremacy. How things have changed since that time! How I wish that 9/11 had never happened! […]


Politics–The Religious Wrong

A new round of elections is quickly approaching, but not fast enough for my tastes. Voting is certainly a privilege, but I find the grossly negative TV ads to be totally gagnaminous. And how I wish I could say something more positive about some of the conservative Christian (of which I am one) dialogue I hear about […]

Bodiam Castle in Sussex UK

Dark Ages or New Day?

Demosthenes, the famous Greek orator once wisely stated, “Nothing is so easy as to deceive oneself; for what we wish, we readily believe.” Demosthenes understood something about the essence of human nature! Quite frankly I am amazed by our ability to rationalize our judgmental attitudes toward other Christians—especially those foolish enough to remain outside of […]

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