Tag Archives: judgmental attitudes


Is Mean the New Normal?

The video feed was anything but pleasant; scores of teenagers mercilessly pummeling each other. It happened recently as fights broke out among a thousand young people who had flooded a mall near Pittsburgh. Employees had to bar and lock storefronts in order to protect themselves and their customers. If you haven’t seen any of the […]


What Makes Christianity Different?

All paths lead to God—or so I’ve been told. Through the eyes of our culture, it is both arrogant and narrow-minded to contend that any one belief system is superior to all others. If those who are Christians are going to proclaim salvation through Christ alone, they should have very good reasons to justify such […]

Great Faith

The Secret to Great Faith

 “Jets were invented by people too inexperienced to know what couldn’t be done.” So reads a line in an old Invention and Technology magazine.[1] One of the main points of the article was that most engineers were preoccupied with piston-driven turbo chargers and had given up on the idea of producing a workable jet engine. It […]

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