Tag Archives: John

Did David Cheat Goliath?

When People Disappoint You

It was the weightiest moment in all of history. Jesus—God in the flesh—knelt and cried out to the heavenly Father with unimaginable agony. Christ’s anguish was so deep, and the stress of the moment so intense, that His pores began to seep blood. If ever there was a time when Jesus needed a friend to […]

The Gorilla Glue of Unity

The Gorilla Glue of Unity

If it’s broken, my buddy John can fix it (or so he thinks!). John is always quick to volunteer the use of his Gorilla Glue whenever I am in need. When Gorilla Glue appeared on the market a few years ago John and I took interest. We’re both typical fix-it males involved in a never-ending search for products that […]

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