Tag Archives: Hypocrisy

Abandoned Church

Can the Church Be Saved?

If what I read in the media is correct, the church in America should now be taking its final gasps of air. Christians have all become judgmental hypocrites, pastors are dropping like flies, young people are leaving in record numbers, and church after church is closing its doors. Perhaps, our best option would be to […]


Is Mean the New Normal?

The video feed was anything but pleasant; scores of teenagers mercilessly pummeling each other. It happened recently as fights broke out among a thousand young people who had flooded a mall near Pittsburgh. Employees had to bar and lock storefronts in order to protect themselves and their customers. If you haven’t seen any of the […]


Have You Seen God?

I’ve seen sunshine, rain, and snow, but in all my years I have never seen the wind. While I was hiking through the woods recently, a huge gust of wind picked up bunches of dry leaves along the trail and threw them swirling into the air. I’ve felt the wind and I’ve seen its influence; […]


Protect Your Heart!

“Protect Your Heart”–thus read the big bold headline on the most recent issue of Consumer Reports magazine. Protect Your Heart! Evidently my dear wife didn’t pay much attention to the magazine as its cover silently screamed from our coffee table. On Sunday she prepared a delicious meal of Fettuccine Alfredo. I could feel my arteries […]

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