Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come . . .

The kingdom of God. What an amazingly mysterious concept! The kingdom of God is literally the King’s domain, but what does that mean? And what are the ramifications? John 18:36 records Jesus saying that His “kingdom is not of this world.” The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 4:17 that “the kingdom of God is […]

The Manifest Presence of God

The Manifest Presence of God

Steve, a student who occasionally attended our campus ministry meetings, found himself in the midst of a year and half long struggle with depression. On one particular evening I spoke about the importance of Christians seeking the presence of God. Steve seemed a little skeptical, but proved determined nonetheless. He knew he needed something more […]

Mount Sinai

The Promise of His Presence

Moses was either amazing or crazy; perhaps a little of both! The often lonely road he walked, the obstinate people he loved, his passion for righteousness—they all point toward one of the truly great figures of history. But there was something else about Moses, something upon which his entire character hinged: Moses walked with God. […]

If God Is for Us, Why Is So Much Against Us?

If God Is for Us, Why Is So Much Against Us?

I know, the title of this post quotes Romans 8:31 incorrectly. It and the verse following should read: “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also […]

It's Not a Formula; It's a Relationship

It’s Not a Formula; It’s a Relationship

When I use the term “mechanism for growth”, it may bring to mind images of gears and cogs turning in some massive machine. Or perhaps one thinks of a lab experiment where ingredients A, B & C produce D. These images come from a world where knowledge is an inanimate it more than anything else. […]



ONE–what a fascinating concept! Strangely enough, it has multiple meanings. Check out part of Webster’s definition (the rest isn’t exactly relevant to our current purposes): 1: being a single unit or thing 3 a : being the same in kind or quality <both of one species> b (1) : constituting a unified entity of two or […]


Believe in Yourself! Seriously?

It is the mantra of our day. From the earliest of ages our children are showered with the believe in yourself message. “You can go anywhere, accomplish anything. The ability lies deep within you. All you need to do is draw it out. Believe in yourself.” This, according to our world, is the foundation of […]

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