Tag Archives: heavenly Father

Bats Are Our Friends

Bats Are Our Friends

I saw recently that a local school district must spend more than $60,000 to relocate bats before they can build a new school. Many of the locals think it is a senseless waste of money but I disagree. In spite of their ugliness, bats are our friends. Did you know that one bat can eat […]


From Image to Reality

How many people can we truly and intimately know in life? The question becomes even more extreme when we consider the technological trends of the past 100 years or so. Before the implementation of central heating, northern families were more or less forced to spend time together. Better to gather around an old wood stove […]

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come . . .

The kingdom of God. What an amazingly mysterious concept! The kingdom of God is literally the King’s domain, but what does that mean? And what are the ramifications? John 18:36 records Jesus saying that His “kingdom is not of this world.” The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 4:17 that “the kingdom of God is […]

The Manifest Presence of God

The Manifest Presence of God

Steve, a student who occasionally attended our campus ministry meetings, found himself in the midst of a year and half long struggle with depression. On one particular evening I spoke about the importance of Christians seeking the presence of God. Steve seemed a little skeptical, but proved determined nonetheless. He knew he needed something more […]

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