Tag Archives: harmony



ONE–what a fascinating concept! Strangely enough, it has multiple meanings. Check out part of Webster’s definition (the rest isn’t exactly relevant to our current purposes): 1: being a single unit or thing 3 a : being the same in kind or quality <both of one species> b (1) : constituting a unified entity of two or […]

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Living the 490

By only the 6th generation of descendants, mankind had fallen far from the pristine peace and beauty of the Garden of Eden. Lamech spurned the sanctity of the marriage covenant by taking two wives and in a vengeful act killed a young man for striking him. Lamech said to his wives, ‘Adah and Zillah, Listen […]

The Gorilla Glue of Unity

The Gorilla Glue of Unity

If it’s broken, my buddy John can fix it (or so he thinks!). John is always quick to volunteer the use of his Gorilla Glue whenever I am in need. When Gorilla Glue appeared on the market a few years ago John and I took interest. We’re both typical fix-it males involved in a never-ending search for products that […]

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