Tag Archives: Gospel


Why Gun Control Misses the Point

“The findings were disturbing….” So goes the beginning of a paragraph in an article about the Pulitzer Prize winning report (Assault on Learning) by the Philadelphia Inquirer regarding violence in the Philadelphia school system. After reading further, I could not help but agree—it is all very disturbing! More than 30,000 serious incidents were reported in […]


It’s Time to Ban Dark-Colored Hoodies!

Having spent far too much time meticulously watching local news reports out of Pittsburgh, I have come to the conclusion that most of the reported crimes are committed by people wearing dark-colored hoodies. For the life of me, I can’t imagine why someone hasn’t moved to ban them. I think that light and bright-colored hoodies […]


Why Government Leaders Ignore the Root Causes of Violence

Every time a mass shooting occurs in the U.S., our government leaders rise to the occasion by proclaiming the need for change. Those who are sincere will usually push hard for gun control while ignoring the root causes that have brought such sickness upon our society. Why are our politicians so slow to look at […]

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The Mystery of Violence Revealed

World peace! It is a vision long held by many. Each New Year, it seems, we try to cast off the violence of the previous year like a dog trying to shake off water. Unfortunately, dogs are much more effective in their drying off efforts than we are in our quest to eliminate conflict between […]


The Violence Cocktail – Guns Are Not the Only Ingredient

Once again the liberal/conservative battle lines have been drawn. Adamant about the need for gun control, many liberals seem to believe that banning all gun ownership would lead to a peaceful and happy society. On the other side of the front, a lot of conservatives give the impression that if every American packed, violence would […]

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NV Virus

Discovering the Antidote for the Deadly NV Virus

I am certain that I caught the deadly and destructive NV virus at a very young age–my first clear memories of its influence dating back to the first grade. My aunt had recently given birth to a baby girl and my family was traveling with relatives to attend the christening. I was especially excited because […]

The Center of His Universe

The Center of His Universe

Some scientists say that only about 4% of the universe is visible to us. That means that even with our most powerful telescope, around 96% of the Universe remains out of our view—although we don’t exactly know how much because we can’t truly know what lies where no one has ever been. Inside of our […]

The Mercy of Failure

The Mercy of Failure

In the midst of all the jubilation of the Olympics we see a flow of sad tears—mostly young people who have sacrificed and worked their entire lives only to see their dreams of Olympic gold vanish into thin air. Many have envisioned this moment from early childhood, idolizing their Olympic heroes with a persistent determination […]


Every Person a God = Every Day a Conflict

Maryland blue crabs are crazy, ravenous creatures! Throw anything that resembles food into the water and they swarm to the location, consuming what they can while jostling for position. In their eyes, they are the bottom line—Numero Uno. No one else matters. And when threatened in any way, those pain-inflicting pinchers aggressively come up in […]

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