Tag Archives: God


God Loves a Cheerful Giver

There was a news report the other day of police officers in Kansas City pulling people over to give them money from a secret Santa. The emotions rendered by the story were the exact opposite of those being expressed all over the U.S. in protests against police brutality. Those who had their attentions “arrested” went […]


The Day I Went to Prison

Entering a prison can be a foreboding experience. High fences. Barbed wire. Imposing walls. I was somewhat relieved when we checked in with the guard and went across the street to the low security prison camp where the inmates were predominantly non-violent offenders. After sharing a short message (yes, it is possible for a preacher […]


Longing to Be a Progressive Christian

A “progressive” book publisher states that its focus is on, “progressive and mainline Christians who demand an open, inclusive, and culturally engaged exploration of faith . . .” I get what they’re trying to say, but have a very difficult time accepting the idea of what some are calling progressive Christianity. Some folks, it seems, are […]


Is Grace Like a Vacation?

Click. It wasn’t the click of a phone, but of a mouse button hitting send. At 10:29 on Halloween night, I was finally sending my finished copy of The Divine Progression of Grace to the printer. At that moment, “It is finished!” seemed particularly meaningful. It all honesty, writing, editing, and publishing this 300 page […]


What Makes Christianity Different?

All paths lead to God—or so I’ve been told. Through the eyes of our culture, it is both arrogant and narrow-minded to contend that any one belief system is superior to all others. If those who are Christians are going to proclaim salvation through Christ alone, they should have very good reasons to justify such […]


Putting Grace in Context

I don’t think there is any one key that enables us to live out the Christian faith, but at the same time, I cannot find a biblical concept as important as grace. Grace separates Christianity from the pack of world religions. Grace puts me in awe. To think that as a sinful human, I can […]


The Divine Progression of Grace

The most difficult part is finished! The Divine Progression of Grace manuscript is now in the hands of our editor. People often cringe when I tell them what I’m working on. “Writing a book is easy” I say, “it’s writing a good book that’s really difficult!” Not only is the writing process challenging, but grace […]


When Christians Become Pouncers . . .

Lions love zebras, but not in a way that zebras want to be loved. If a pride of lions “invites” a zebra to dinner, you can be sure that the guest will never leave. All it takes is one unguarded moment for an unsuspecting zebra to become fresh meat. When on the hunt, a lion […]

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