Tag Archives: Frustration

Make Room for the Prince of Peace

Make Room for the Prince of Peace!

Age and experience have a way of changing a person’s outlook on life. In my younger years, I thought that this world had so much to offer. Now, as my hair continues to gray, more and more I am coming to realize how much of it is so very shallow. In principle, I’ve known this […]

Fighting Giant

Facing a Giant? You’re Not Alone!

A very real problem for all of us is that we tend to profess a depth of faith in God that we do not actually possess. Faith is easy on the mountaintop. The battlefield trenches of life are an entirely different matter. A football team may spend a lot of time practicing in preparation for […]

Facing the Impossible

Facing the Impossible?

Disappointment. Discouragement. Frustration. All are words that often characterize our responses to difficult, if not impossible, circumstances. As I look back over my life I see so many difficulties and impossibilities. Why, I ask, is it that life always seems to be so hard? Why are there always so many challenges and so many limitations? […]

Does It Really Matter

Does It Really Matter?

I was embarrassed and quite thankful that nobody else in the room was aware of my failure (or were they?). There I stood staring at the primary election ballot suddenly realizing that I didn’t have a clue about some of the candidates running for certain offices. To be honest, it’s happened before, but for some […]

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