Tag Archives: Entertainment


Are You Hungry for God?

A while back, I was wandering through the cereal isle of our local grocery store and couldn’t help but wonder how many of the cereal varieties should actually be considered food. Sugar and artificial ingredients abound—in spite of all of their nutritional claims. A few more steps, and I entered the junk food section. The […]


Are You Spiritually Parched?

The advent of global warming has resulted in some crazy weather conditions across the globe. Throughout the course of history, famines have not been uncommon, but some geographic areas are now seeing droughts of record proportions. Only a few months back, for example, shippers were fretting over the mighty Mississippi River as it slowed to […]


Dancing with Whom?

Did you know that Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team is doing really well right now on Dancing with the Stars? Baltimore Ravens fans are upset with his success and launching a vote against Hines campaign. Go Hines! I’m on top of all of this, but not because I watch the show. The […]


I Hate Hype!

Were you one of the 111,000,000 viewers who watched the Super Bowl on Sunday? I was. Not a bad game. Of course, it would have been better had the Steelers won, but overall we were entertained. Professional football is now a multi-billion dollar business. Gone are the days of leather helmets and crumbling stadiums!  Let’s […]

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