Tag Archives: Democrats


Battered by the Sea (of Humanity)

The other day I happened to catch a short television interview with Robert Ballard, the man primarily responsible for discovering the wreckage of the Titanic in 1985. I was struck by Ballard’s opinion that the ocean is becoming increasingly unfriendly. His comments quickly brought to mind the experience of a co-worker several years back. Herb […]

Economic Uncertainty--What an Opportunity

Economic Uncertainty–What an Opportunity!

Did you hear about the rioting currently taking place in parts of Europe? Governments are trying to cut back on their massive debts by imposing austerity measures such as cutting salaries and workers benefits. This all takes place while those in power continue to grow in wealth. Such economic disparity creates a breeding ground of […]

Aim of Complain

Aim or Complain

Several years ago I was reading an update from a popular Christian ministry. They were complaining that a certain judge had called evangelical Christians a bunch of whiners and complainers. I suppose that the appropriate Christian response would have been for me to be outraged by that judge, but as I considered the statement, I […]

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