Tag Archives: culture

National Lemonade Freedom Day

National Lemonade Freedom Day – Seriously?

What will you be doing on August 18, 2012? That happens to be National Lemonade Freedom Day. No, this isn’t another installment of my quirky humor. August 18 actually is National Lemonade Freedom Day. Apparently some folks feel it is time to take a stand against what they feel is ludicrous government over-regulation. Hence, they […]

Neckties Are Evil!

Neckties Are Evil!

Neckties are Evil! In September of 2009 the prime minister of Bangladesh banned male government employees from wearing suits and ties in order to save energy. How ungodly a decision! Seriously now, it shouldn’t matter that Bangladesh is suffering through a debilitating energy shortage and that banning the extra clothing will help to lessen the […]

Thank You

Feeling Unappreciated?

There are times in life when it seems as though we give and give and give and all others do is take. It’s not like we want to complain or anything, but sometimes life can get really discouraging when we constantly give of ourselves and nobody seems to care (except for us of course). You […]

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