Tag Archives: Creator

Do You Impress God?

Do You Impress God?

What’s it like to be on the same page with God? To see as He sees? To think as He thinks? To speak His language? Exactly what  is it that gets the attention of the Creator of the universe? We often think that God is impressed by our extreme holiness, our great sacrifices or our […]


Smear Campaign

How times have changed! In the days of Abraham Lincoln debates between political candidates would last several hours, involving the opportunity to present well-developed lines of thought. Much of the U.S. public, being well read and accustomed to researching the issues, afforded the luxury of forming candidacies based more upon the needs and answers of […]

May 1982

Just a Little Taste of Heaven

Perhaps you’ve done the reunion thing. You pull into the parking lot and sit for a second (a bit of a knot in your stomach), contemplating what lies ahead. The big question is how you look–or more appropriately–how you will look compared to your former classmates. How much hair’s been lost or grayed, how much […]

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