Tag Archives: conservative Christian

Gay Marriage

Why the Legalization of Gay Marriage Isn’t Enough

If the same-sex marriage controversy were merely about equal rights, the best way for the LGBT community to cement their position would be to now champion the Constitutional freedoms of religion and speech. Conservative opposition would slow to a trickle, and an uneasy sort of truce would ensue. Admittedly, the scenario is unlikely because the […]


Conservative Does Not Always Equal Christian

Perhaps I am worthy of a good—if there is such a thing—stoning. Even questioning our conservative values seems somewhat blasphemous. The real problem, however, is that many conservatives—the very individuals who tenaciously adhere to the supremacy of Scripture—have allowed human voices to establish their worldviews. Talk show hosts and political action committees don’t always echo […]

Mitrack Obamney

Why I Am Voting for Mitrak Obamney

I for one am more than ready for this election to be over. However, it is not so much the election that bothers me—I consider voting to be a genuine privilege—as it is the low level to which political campaigning has now sunk. The continuous onslaught of vicious ads (filled with lies and half-truths) that […]

Human Trafficking

Cataract Hearts in a Lawless Political Landscape

Trafficking in persons (TIP) is an international crime that involves the acquisition of a human being through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of exploiting the individual for profit through forced labor or prostitution. A modern form of slavery, trafficking constitutes a violation of human rights in which individual victims are […]

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