Tag Archives: Condemnation


Silencing the Jackhammer of Condemnation

The air was thick with tension, but our hearts brimmed with hopeful optimism. Our beloved Pittsburgh Steelers had fought a tough game against their arch-rivals the Baltimore Ravens. Now the game was coming down to a doable 42-yard field goal attempt for the Pittsburgh win. The Steelers began to line up, but then ding-dong–our doorbell […]

Fishing Net

Help My Unbelief!

I believe in God. Really, I do. I believe that He exists and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. I believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, that 2,000 years ago He walked this earth and died an excruciating death on the cross as a substitute for my sins. I believe […]

Shed the Weight

Shed the Weight!

We hear it all the time—obesity is a leading cause of health problems in our day. The experts tell us to shed the pounds, but everywhere we turn we’re bombarded with messages to the contrary. “Eat!” they tell us. “Our sumptuous treats will make your life full and complete!” I’m not saying that physical weight […]

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