Tag Archives: Christian

Aim of Complain

Aim or Complain

Several years ago I was reading an update from a popular Christian ministry. They were complaining that a certain judge had called evangelical Christians a bunch of whiners and complainers. I suppose that the appropriate Christian response would have been for me to be outraged by that judge, but as I considered the statement, I […]

God, Why?

God, Why?

Have you ever asked, “Why?” I often wonder why God does some of the things He does. Some people mistakenly think that God is the source of natural disasters and every type of human tragedy. News flash: God doesn’t have a cruel streak! At the same time, however, our Heavenly Father does have this tendency to […]


What Does God Like? Part I

I like to paddle my kayak on a a quiet evening, listening to the birds chirp and the fish splash. I like fresh fruit and I like dark chocolate. I like to hang out with friends and family. I like trips to the ocean—a place that I’d actually like to live. I like to watch […]


“God Cannot Be Trusted”

“God Cannot Be Trusted!” This is undoubtedly one of the most predominant messages to saturate American culture over the past decade. You might not necessarily find a “godcannotbetrusted.com” web site, but this message is daily repeated by a vast array voices from so many different directions. The bottom line is that the slippery hiss of the serpent continues to tickle […]

Finding Our Way

Finding Our Way

Friends of ours once rented a house in rural western PA. Near the house was a rather large stone with a benchmark disk attached. Used long before GPS came into existence, a benchmark provided a defining location for surveyors and travelers. In their minds, any feelings of being lost or confused would instantly vanish at […]


The Eyes Have It!

It’s true—we can text, tweet and IM. Email is old stuff, but still doable. All of these means have been used to deal with interpersonal conflict. The problem is that nothing compares with face to face communication where we can look at one another in the eyes. Effective conflict resolution can require a significant time investment. […]

Who Ate My Chocolate?

Who Ate My Chocolate?

Many of us have had that Kumbaya experience. Perhaps it was at a retreat as everyone sang around the campfire, basking in the warm, fuzzy feelings of fellowship. The moment was so special and everyone was just so wonderful—that is until you returned to the lodge only to discover that some schmucks had eaten the […]

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