Tag Archives: Bible

The Zombie Conspiracy

The Zombie Conspiracy

Zombie movies. Vampire films. Crime shows. Violent video games. What’s the common thread? It appears that our culture is increasingly preoccupied with death. Somehow, I don’t think this is a good sign. There are those who would tell us that the real zombie conspiracy involves government authorities covering up the coming zombie apocalypse, but I […]

It's Not a Formula; It's a Relationship

It’s Not a Formula; It’s a Relationship

When I use the term “mechanism for growth”, it may bring to mind images of gears and cogs turning in some massive machine. Or perhaps one thinks of a lab experiment where ingredients A, B & C produce D. These images come from a world where knowledge is an inanimate it more than anything else. […]


The Essence Is the Mechanism

It’s common knowledge that Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species was a game changer. Interestingly enough, Darwin’s theory was heavily laden with speculation based on real observation, but lacking any type of significant scientific experimentation. Still, Darwin’s theory of natural selection was the opportunity secular scientists longed for, providing an intellectually plausible mechanism by which […]


For or Against?

My guess is that most of us have heard of Joshua and the battle of Jericho. There’s an interesting part of the story, however, that is rarely told. Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his […]

Public Relations or Reality?

Public Relations or Reality?

I grew up in a small town with a relatively small perspective of the world. Everything began to change in 1978 when I enrolled at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Not only did I meet people from all over (Pennsylvania that is), but I had my first real opportunities to meet homosexuals and born […]


Protect Your Heart!

“Protect Your Heart”–thus read the big bold headline on the most recent issue of Consumer Reports magazine. Protect Your Heart! Evidently my dear wife didn’t pay much attention to the magazine as its cover silently screamed from our coffee table. On Sunday she prepared a delicious meal of Fettuccine Alfredo. I could feel my arteries […]



ONE–what a fascinating concept! Strangely enough, it has multiple meanings. Check out part of Webster’s definition (the rest isn’t exactly relevant to our current purposes): 1: being a single unit or thing 3 a : being the same in kind or quality <both of one species> b (1) : constituting a unified entity of two or […]

The Bitter Root

The Bitter Root

Bitter Root. Sounds somewhat natural, doesn’t it? Actually, this Montana state flower was at times prized as a delicacy by some Native American tribes. But not everything natural is good. You can be sure I won’t be buying Poison Ivy Skin Cream any time soon! The Bible also speaks of a bitter root—one that has […]

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