Tag Archives: 9/11


How to Flourish in Uncertain Times

There was a day—and I’m old enough to remember it—when the United States of America was the envy of the world. Sure, we had times of uncertainty and upheaval, but as a whole, ours was a prosperous economy with a government system that served as a shining model to all others. And we had confidence! […]

Something Greater than 9-11

Something Greater than 9-11

It happens every year when the anniversary of 9/11 rolls around. I find myself wishing that those violent and horrific terrorist attacks had never happened—not only for the lives lost but because of the negative changes that have come to our world as a result of that fateful day. It’s not that the world was […]

Another Wake Up Call

The Boston Marathon Attack: Another Wakeup Call?

I don’t think that there is such a thing as a pleasant sounding alarm. Even elevator music has an obnoxious feel if it serves to wake me from my slumber, forcing me to face the difficulties that may lie ahead. The wear marks on any snooze button stand as evidence of this reality. How we […]

How You Can Help Prevent Mass Shootings

How You Can Help to Prevent Mass Shootings

It has been several days since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and I am still struggling to process the reality of such a horrible event. Other mass shootings in recent years have scarred communities, but this one has left deep and lasting scars for our entire nation. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 had […]

My Wife Taught a Muslim How to Drive

My Wife Taught a Muslim How to Drive!

If my wife were running for president, the 30-second attack ad would probably show a black and white image of rioting Muslims burning a U.S. flag superimposed over a photo of how Debi looks when I forget to take out the garbage. A stern voice would then say, “Debi Santos taught a Muslim how to drive. […]

We Can't Go Back

We Can’t Go Back!

On September 10, 2001 the world didn’t necessarily seem like such a great place, but in retrospect I guess it wasn’t really all that bad. On that day the twin towers still stood as symbols of American strength and supremacy. How things have changed since that time! How I wish that 9/11 had never happened! […]

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