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Danger in the Manger

Danger in the Manger!

Picture the scene with me if you will: An obnoxious siren blares loudly as emergency lights flash and a mechanical voice drones on with an unending mantra of “DANGER! DANGER!” Soon a group of workers in Hazmat suits begin cautiously dismantling a crèche sitting in front of the county courthouse. One by one they carefully […]


The Conflict Killer

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to observe that every kingdom belongs to the realm of a king; simply by definition a kingdom is a king’s domain. There is no established size to a kingdom—the extent of the realm depends mainly on geography and the might of the king. In the West we don’t talk […]

The Clash of the Kingdoms of the gods

The Clash of the Kingdoms of the gods

At first glance interpersonal conflict may seem to be the result of practical issues such as poor communication and differences in perspective. Certainly, more often than not, a lack in conflict resolution skills can yield a truckload of unnecessary pain and confusion. Let’s face it; there are times when we simply don’t have a clue […]


Let the River Flow

I suppose it began about 10 years ago. Several evangelical campus ministries at Indiana University of PA (IUP) loosely organized into what we call The River – many streams fed by one Spirit, flowing together with one heart and one mission. I believe in this concept so much that we named our ministry center the […]

Cruel Worlds

A Stitch in Time–Doesn’t Really Help Much

I wonder if you’ve noticed. We live in a cruel world. From playground bullies to the inner city gangs to oppressive governments, we lack no shortage of people who will not hesitate to inflict pain on others for their own personal pleasure or benefit. What’s the prerequisite for being a recipient of such treatment? Weakness. […]


More Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss!

The world around us, which promises so much, isn’t making any significant deposits into my joy account these days. In fact, it’s been quite a drain recently. I suppose that much of it is linked to the economy and, of course, the continually rising price of fuel. Just when the economic outlook begins to brighten, […]


If We Don’t, Who Will?

One of the interesting things about trying to teach the principles of Christianity is that God requires us to actually live out what we are encouraging others to do. Go figure! In light of this, I was recently challenged to extend forgiveness in a situation where I had been unjustly treated. Painful? Yes. Beneficial? Absolutely! […]

Forgiveness is... Letting Go

Forgiveness Is . . . Letting Go

In thinking of bitterness I would venture to guess that most people consider it an issue of being hurt or wronged. And while this is certainly true, there is an interwoven thread that so often colors the dynamics of our interpersonal relationships – CONTROL. Almost from the very beginning of time as we know it, […]


Say Good-bye to Weedville!

In the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13) Jesus spoke of four types of responses people have in receiving the life of God’s word. Some have become hardened from being trampled by the world—they understand nothing. Others receive the word with excitement, but lack the depth of resolve to stand the rigors of opposition. The […]

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