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Adulterous Woman

Go and Sin Some More?

Imagine the scenario. The scribes and Pharisees drag a woman caught in adultery before Jesus, expecting Him to put His stamp of approval on their desire to stone her to death according to the Mosaic Law (John 8:1-11). Jesus then stoops down and writes on the ground. One by one the accusers all leave, and […]

Empty Camden Yard

Justice in Baltimore?

It has never before happened in the history of Major League Baseball—two teams playing a regular-season game in an empty stadium. It’s not that and estimated 30,000 fans didn’t want to watch from the stands as the Baltimore Orioles scored six runs off of the Chicago White Sox in the first inning. Instead, unrest in […]

Street Party Riot

Filling the Moral Vacuum?

To say that the Western world is in a state of moral decline would be an understatement. Just about anybody who has walked this earth for forty or fifty years will readily agree. It’s difficult to pinpoint any single cause to this precipitous slide, but the erosion of Christian influence is certainly a contributing factor. […]

The Temptation of ChristAry Scheffer, 1854

When Christian Isn’t Christian

Most people act like they aren’t home if they see them coming—those rather plain, but nicely dressed missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who work their way through residential neighborhoods trying to convert others to their beliefs. If, however, they happen to show up on a day when I have […]

The Ten Commandments

Politically Correct Commandments?

It was a scene for the ages; and if you’ve ever watched the movie version of the Ten Commandments, you probably have the image of a laser-like flame inscribing the commandments on stone tablets etched in your mind. As awesome as the movie scene was, I can’t begin to imagine the real-life version of the […]


Facing the Cold Reality of Death

Ideas, beliefs, and opinions. We all have them. In the college classroom, at the information table, and in the coffee shop, I’ve had plenty of discussions—most of which have centered in the realm of intellectual thought—about faith. Recently, however, I faced a most unwelcome experience—my father-in-law’s passing from this earth—that riveted me in reality. Ted […]


Making Sense of Religious Pluralism?

I admit—it sounds terribly appealing. You know, the idea that all paths lead to God, that at their core we find no intrinsic differences between belief systems. I mean, if we can all accept this reality and just get along with one another, wouldn’t this world be a much better place? While generally embracing nebulous […]

Twenty-One Go to Glory

What If It Were Me?

The images are difficult to shake. Twenty-one bound men clothed in orange jumpsuits being paraded along the beach by masked fighters dressed in black. Some are fearful. Some are praying. All are about to have their heads severed from their bodies by members of the brutal Islamic State. All of those executed were Coptic Christians […]


The Power to Love Despicable People II

I stated in my last post that God’s grace gives us the power to love despicable people such as the ISIS terrorists who recently burned a Jordanian pilot alive. If you’re anything like me, you’re wondering how you can possibly love people that you would naturally want to see eternally squashed. History has shown love […]


The Power to Love Despicable People

If you’ve grown fond of the little yellow minions making their way around contemporary media, you’re probably familiar with the animated movie, Despicable Me. It’s the story of an evil villain, Gru, who adopts three little orphan girls to aid his plot to steal the moon, but who ends up falling in love with the […]

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