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Are Conservatives Racist?

Are White Conservatives Racist?

Sadly, in many cases, I think that white conservatives are racist. I can’t provide statistics to prove my point, but I can share my personal observations. What I see may not tell the entire story, but it does tell something. As a general rule, strong conservatives are avidly anti-liberal and they’ll target those who lean […]

photo credit: <a href="">kjd</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

The Priesthood of All Believers

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal….” What powerful words open the U.S. Constitution! Through the significance of this “immortal declaration”, the United States of America has long stood as a beacon for justice and equality in an oppressive world. Our government leaders have not always stood for the […]


Driving a Stake through the Heart of Elitism

The Free Dictionary defines elitism[1] as: 1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources. 2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. b. Control, rule, or domination by […]

How Good Are You

How Good Are You?

Does it really matter how good we are at what we do? After all, Christians are forgiven and adopted into the family of God. If He loves and accepts us, does it matter all that much how well we do our jobs? Have you ever walked into a building, driven a car, or crossed a […]


Chosen for a Purpose

Sometimes God’s word blows my mind! Its ramifications are so far reaching that my brain overheats while trying to comprehend it all. Such was the case recently as I began reading Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Right from the start, Paul captures the reader’s attention by focusing on the fact that God “chose us in […]

Feeling Used

Feeling Used

Feeling used by God is very different than feeling used by our world’s system. The world will use you, extract whatever they feel is of value, and then throw you away. The world’s system cares only for your usefulness; there is little to no concern for you as a person. Recently, I spent some time […]

photo credit: <a href="">twm1340</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Living in a Vampire World

I’ve had better days. Monday morning began with the hopes of a productive week, but first we had to make a quick—or so I thought—exchange at the car dealership. My wife’s car was plagued by an ongoing safety issue and, after significant public pressure, the manufacturer had reluctantly agreed to a recall. After speaking with […]

NV Virus

Discovering the Antidote for the Deadly NV Virus

I am certain that I caught the deadly and destructive NV virus at a very young age–my first clear memories of its influence dating back to the first grade. My aunt had recently given birth to a baby girl and my family was traveling with relatives to attend the christening. I was especially excited because […]

The Center of His Universe

The Center of His Universe

Some scientists say that only about 4% of the universe is visible to us. That means that even with our most powerful telescope, around 96% of the Universe remains out of our view—although we don’t exactly know how much because we can’t truly know what lies where no one has ever been. Inside of our […]


The Glorious Sweet Corn of August

You’ll find it there sitting in a corner of Hoss’s parking lot on most days in August. I speak of an old maroon pickup truck with wooden side boards and a green shaded canopy over the bed—a bed piled high with fresh, recently picked sweet corn. Occasionally, “Silver Queen” is the offering of the day, […]

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