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A Double-Edged Sword of Glory

A Double-Edged Sword of Glory

As Christmas nears, so does the push to remove its Christian roots. Eric Bolling of Fox Business News recently sparked controversy when he kicked atheist Dan Barker off of his show. Barker, a spokesman for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is based in Wisconsin, was pushing for the removal of a nativity scene from […]

The Goal

Keep Your Eye on the Goal!

Bumper stickers and T-shirts—you gotta love their creativity! At a recent race I saw a shirt that read “Keep your eye on the goal.” Very appropriate for the setting. Have you ever wondered what the goal actually is? According to one college alumni newsletter, the school’s graduates are out winning awards and meeting important people—simply […]


Losers Go First!

There was both good news and bad news when I ran in my first 5K in over 25 years. The good news was my potential to win a medal. The bad news is that I would have needed to compete as a 75-year old woman in order to place! As much as I just want […]

Paving the Pathway to Glory

Paving the Pathway to Glory

Ladies and gentlemen, the worst professional sports team over the past 20 years is now contending for 1st place in the Major League Baseball Central Division of the National League! The Pittsburgh Pirates manager Clint Hurdle has done an amazing job with what seems to be an ever changing group of young athletes. Clint would […]

Golf Tournament

The Jesus Christ of Nazareth Non-celebrity Golf Tournament

For years I’ve lived in Indiana, PA, hometown of the famous actor Jimmy Stewart. Jimmy was a classy guy and many local residents take pride in any type of connection with him. He came home in 1983 for a big parade on his 75th birthday (Debi and I watched from our apartment window.). The parade […]

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The Secret

Psst. Do you know the secret? Ever so quietly, our Creator speaks. There are times when God appears in grandiose style, although for the most part His interaction with people is but a whisper, like a gentle breeze quietly blowing across one’s check. The wind of the Spirit is almost always blowing, but also almost […]

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