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Sermon on the Mount

What Makes Jesus Different?

Throughout the entire history of humankind—however long that has been—there has never been a person like Jesus Christ. Never. There is enough information about the uniqueness of Jesus to easily fill a book, but I’d like to highlight one particular aspect of His character that is often ignored. As recorded in John 3:13, Jesus said […]

Street Party Riot

Filling the Moral Vacuum?

To say that the Western world is in a state of moral decline would be an understatement. Just about anybody who has walked this earth for forty or fifty years will readily agree. It’s difficult to pinpoint any single cause to this precipitous slide, but the erosion of Christian influence is certainly a contributing factor. […]

The Temptation of ChristAry Scheffer, 1854

When Christian Isn’t Christian

Most people act like they aren’t home if they see them coming—those rather plain, but nicely dressed missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who work their way through residential neighborhoods trying to convert others to their beliefs. If, however, they happen to show up on a day when I have […]


Facing the Cold Reality of Death

Ideas, beliefs, and opinions. We all have them. In the college classroom, at the information table, and in the coffee shop, I’ve had plenty of discussions—most of which have centered in the realm of intellectual thought—about faith. Recently, however, I faced a most unwelcome experience—my father-in-law’s passing from this earth—that riveted me in reality. Ted […]

Mythological Gods

How Real Is God?

I’m getting up in years, but I can still remember learning about Greek and Roman mythology in elementary school. The associated gods and creatures fit the idea of almost every little boy’s dream. In fact, they almost ranked right up there with dinosaurs. As I grew older, I began to realize that the gods of […]

Fruit Smoothie

The Ultimate Super Fruit

“The extract of this fruit has nutritional properties that far exceed all others. If you take it daily, your life will never be the same!” So go the claims on just about every natural supplement website. But would you be surprised to know that there really is an ultimate super fruit? I’ve spent the past […]

Conventional Wisdom

The Secret to Defying Conventional Wisdom

After showing up at for tryouts with the Houston Astros, José Altuve was told not to return. It had nothing to do with a lack of ability; conventional wisdom simply considered a 5’5” man to be too short to play professional baseball. Uncertain about his next step, Altuve talked with his father who was well […]

Defeating a Giant

The First Step to Defeating a Giant

The contrast could not have been more extreme. There stood the shepherd boy, David, facing Goliath. The towering giant carried a massive spear, wore the protection of heavy armor, and was flanked by an armor bearer. David—a young teenager of average build—wore his shepherd’s clothes and carried nothing more than a sling and 5 smooth […]

Chains of Legalism

Breaking Free from Legalism

Rules, rules, rules! Do you ever feel that Christianity is nothing but legalism—the constant pressure to obey a long list of rules and obligations? If so, you’re missing the heart of what God wants to do in your life. Laws and rules tend to work from the outside in. The Holy Spirit works from the […]

photo credit: <a href="">Adam Jones, Ph.D. - Global Photo Archive</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Satan Wants to Sift You Like Wheat! Part II

Wheat is getting an increasingly bad name in our day. Why? Generations of hybridization have engineered wheat which is more disease resistant, more pesticide resistant, more workable for baking, and generally more productive. However, the same cumulative modifications that have significantly helped reduce starvation across the globe also seem to be having adverse affects on […]

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